Welcome to the New Mexico Optometric Association
The New Mexico Optometric Association (NMOA) is the professional organization of optometrists in New Mexico. Over 150 New Mexico Doctors of Optometry are voluntary members of the Association. Please visit our About NMOA page for more information.
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The Public Resources page provided on this website allows you to read about Optometry, search for eye doctors throughout New Mexico, access information on eye health, and access a complete list of external optometry links.

The NMOA and AOA are your advocates before state and federal legislators, national third party providers, Medicare, Medicaid, the New Mexico State Board of Optometry and other professional organizations. Both the NMOA and AOA constantly monitor these groups at the state and federal level to ensure that the interests of you and your patients are protected. Because optometry is a legislated profession, representation in these arenas is by far the most valuable benefit of your membership. You can be a part of optometry's voice by serving on a NMOA committee and being politically active. Please visit our Join NMOA page for more information.